If you live in Belize and use a digicell sim card for your phone stop at the local BTL office with your passport and phone to register your number for free [used to be $10 bzd]. You will be glad you did, I sure was Sunday night after my phone went missing. This way if […]
Yesterday was just what I needed – a mini Belize Vacation. Starting at El Divino with a perfect American breakfast with a Belizean twist, eggs, bacon, fried potatoes & fried jacks followed by an afternoon poolside party with Bloody Mary’s. After breakfast we shipped Cowboy Doug off for a quick bone crack with Doc, he […]
The domestic dog has been created, with careful breeding, for thousands of years to be a loyal companion, a hard worker, a protector for our homes and a friend for our children. The domestic dog is completely dependent upon humans for its basic needs such as food, water and care. It is a relationship that […]
Hello everyone I saw these cute projects in our Std 5 (Grade 7) classes, and they brought such a smile to my face that I could not resist sharing. They’ve been studying Noah’s ark, and building models out of whatever is at hand. By the way – those realistic waves are made of hair gel! […]
As I was putting towels down on the window ledges to sop up the 2 newly discovered drips late last night I had to laugh – my not so secret wish for rain in yesterdays post came true. One of the drips happened to be a bit to close for comfort, but since tacoboy was […]
Over the past few days I found myself learning lesson, making the best of a bad situation on a large scale. Not only were tech lessons part of the package I am also getting hit on the physical side. I have been experiencing circulation issues and feeling in need of a major body tune up. […]