Fire in San Pedro Belize

No Fund Me’s Please and Important San Pedro Fire Updates

There has been lots of talk and people stepping up from afar to help those affected by the San Pedro fire. My mom and stepdad immediately put money in my Canadian bank account for me to pass along. Yesterday I was asked politely if I was willing to address the individual fundraising campaigns sprouting up […]

Middle Street fire San Pedro Belize

5 Ways You Can Help San Pedro Fire Survivors

My heart is heavy today. I woke up to the news that all the buildings between Lino’s Meat and Graniels were badly hit by a fire last night. As I walked home and saw the devastation in my neighborhood and the streets with downed power-lines it made me think just how fragile life can be. […]

Belize Kids

Making Life Easier for Belize Kids

No matter what country you are from or live in, children are the most precious part of a community and it is important to ensure that they are well nurtured. Belize Kids are no different, however the need for assistance is. Without government funded schools many hard working two income families still struggle to send […]

Secret Beach Ambergris Caye

Random Scenes From 5 days in San Pedro

Scene One: Celebrate Holiday I was fortunate that the universe sent my friend Jack over with a golf cart and that he was in a chill mood so was willing to wait for me to finish my work and pack a picnic while my editor Shirlee fixed any bits that came from my dyslexic ADD […]

New Belize Rotary Club meeting at Banyan Bay

Dreams Do Come True

I would like to personally congratulate the new Ambergris Caye Belize Rotary Club for jumping in with both feet and making a difference in our community so quickly. Without a doubt, they will go far and grow strong fast.  A Golden Invitation On Wednesday past, Shirlee Arnould our Branch Coordinator, Heidi Simmons our newly appointed Blood Drive Coordinator and I were […]