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Career day

In an effort to get the kids thinking about their future, Holy Cross School held Career Day on Monday February 25th at 1 pm.

12 people, local and from abroad came out to teach the kids about the work world. The speakers covered a wide rangeâ banking, tourism, hospitality, Ambergris Caye Apprenticeship program, agriculture, Police, medical, health and wellness.

The kids leaned why it is important to do what they love, what skills they will need to focus on in order to advance in the career world such as math science language, spelling to name a few. They also leaned what schooling is required for each field and how they can earn an income within that field and also have the potential to travel and relocate in different places. Some jobs such as Atlantic Bank positions are open to learning new skills be promoted from within – other jobs such as yoga instructor showed the value of being flexible in body and mind within the work world.

Big thanks to our speakers – Cheri, Lydia, Chris from Casa Picasso, Danny, Emily, Deacon Tess, Atlantic Bank – Ellis Sanchez, Vito Herrera, Jody Martinez, Melissa Cuellar, San pedro Police dept – Dwayne McCulloch Cpl 900, Randy Lyons pc# 225

STP86557CCLydia Cheri Chris and Miss Grace

STP86566BBEllis Vito Jody Melissa – Atlantic Bank


STP86571BBDeacon Tess

STP86574BBCheri Lydia Chris

STP86576BBDanny talking tourism

STP86578XXCrunching numbers with Atlantic Bank

STP86582AAAtlantic Bank staff

STP86583AADanny Officers Dwayne and Randy

STP86592AALearning how to sell pens

STP86595AAPrize winner

STP86598AARaise your hand if you know the answer

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