placencia restaurant

Drinkable Tap Water and 3 Restaurants in Placencia

There is an old saying, you learn something new every day, and this applies to travel too. Every time I revisit somewhere I learn more. This time it was that the tap water in Placencia is drinkable. It sure was handy to learn that for making our morning iced coffee – thanks, Dave. Placencia peninsula […]

placencia belize

AWOL internet in Placencia

Thankfully the connection Barefoot Bar beside the Belize Mixology course at the Tipsy Tuna in Placencia is good for us right now.  As a result, most of the time Fermin and I have tried to connect to the net and do something we get bounced around like ping pong balls. Even though has been frustrating, […]

Sunshine Foundation San Pedro Town

Sunshine Foundation Scholarship P.O. Box 319 Pescador Drive San Pedro Town Belize Dear Friends: Join us in making a difference in a child’s life through education. The Sunshine Foundation Scholarship is a registered nonprofit foundation whose purpose is the promotion of quality education for children of Belize. We welcome anyone wishing to impact a young […]

saga humane society belize

SAGA Humane Society Halloween Party

It’s costume planning time and the date has been set for the 11th Annual SAGA Humane Society Spooktacular Halloween Party. On Sunday October 26, 2014 from 11:00am to 5:00pm, Carlo & Ernie’s Runway Bar will host what is expected to be the largest SAGA Halloween Party in history.  New and exciting for the 2014 party, […]

independence day belize

Always Different Belize Independence

Every time I have experienced the Belize Independence day parade it has been unique in many ways and this year was no exception. For starters among our regular crowd, there is far less ongoing partying involved since the days when we first turned up almost 9 years ago. Secondly many of us are happy to […]