The date kept changing back and forth and finally Carole said how about tonight? Fate was on our side – the Seaduction Catamaran was available and we managed to pull it together fast. After the boat a few of us were feeling peckish so we went to Hurricanes on Tanisha Tours Dock. The food was […]
Been watching season 8 Apprentice on Cast tv. I like it because there are no commercials. It was a bit tricky to get it going as some sites like hulu will not let you view from Belize but one you get the hang of it it is easy. Paul decided to try the paypal option […]
Exciting – new tacogirl Belize discounts are being offered on Ambergris Caye, Caye Caulker and San Ignacio. I am pleased to announce the following Belize business are now offering tacogirl Specials. Carts Belize; CG Esthetic; 12 Belize; Seduced by Belize Tours; Belize Parasail Plus; Iguana Juans, Waves Jetski; Ice and Beans, Caye Caulker; and Kimmers […]
The sky has been a bit iffy this morning but the wind factor is great – I am keeping my fingers crossed that weather stays decent for Moose’s annual kite competition. We had such a blast at last year’s kite competition at Crazy Canucks on the beach and I am sure it will be just […]
Got talking with Monel in Mexico on the coconut phone about the current water shortage here in San Pedro. Doing Dishes and washing up ok -though I would not be pleased if I was in a restaurant kitchen. Flushing toilets good for the most part today – shower just barely and laundry not a chance. […]
Water pressure is steadily getting worse. According to the Ambergris Caye message board thread they are talking about rationing us over Easter. San Pedro Sun blog says ‘ BWS hereby informs residents and visitors to San Pedro that, should the available supply continue to diminish, the company will have no choice but to restrict or […]