San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Belize Hotel Association AGM 2010

Live from the Itvet building in Belize City this morning. Paul Rob and I are attending the Belize Hotel Association Annual General Meeting. There is a lot of important information to learn about travel and tourism at these meetings and they always have great speakers. Belize Hotel Association is continuing to strengthen relationships with the […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Ak Lu’um – 1st Annual Eco-Contest

Mexico’s First Ecological School Hosts 1st Annual Eco-Contest Ak Lu’um International School inspires parents and children to “Think Green” December 13, 2010 – Playa del Carmen, Mexico – On Sunday, December 5, 2010, parents and children from all across the Riviera Maya and as far away as Mexico City gathered together at Ak Lu’um International […]

Belize house rentals

Basil Moved Home

I was heading over to the new place to let Basil out this morning.  He recently decided he wanted to move back home and found his way there – so we have been letting him stay at Cindy’s again.  I took Molly with me and she seemed to know just where we were going on […]