marco gonzalez maya ruin

Touring Marco Gonzalez Maya Ruin with Jan Brown

Ancient and Adventurous San Pedro Tours It has been unseasonably wet this past week, so we knew we were taking out chances when we opted to head down south to the Maya ruins. Jan called me Fri morning and said she checked Hydromet Belize website and that it looked like we could get lucky weather-wise […]

island webcam

Island webcam temporary new location

It’s official. Cowboy Doug and I took over Storm Chaser’s webcam as he and his lovely wife Theresa are moving stateside. Todd and I tried to get it set up on the roof at Banana Beach Resort Wednesday afternoon  for a lovely sea view. Due to the distance from the office and having to go […]

san pedro belize pictures

Ever evolving

I was watching  the new Bruno Mars video Locked out of Heaven this morning and got thinking about the evolution of people over the course of time and on my blog, so many small world world stories out there. Today’s post is an email from Brent, my Helena Montana weather man that illustrates how small […]

Up Coming Saga Cook-off and Super Bowl Tailgate Party

Hi all it is Saga cook-off time again. If you are in town and want to do a great fundraising party, check out the January Cook-off tomorrow night [Jan 23rd] 6:00pm at at Bistro Mestizo on . This months theme is appetizers and I am sure that the entry selection will be incredible as always. […]