belize sunrise picture by amy fordyce

Tech Free Day and a First Stay on Ambergris Caye

I had been planning to blog Amy’s first trip to Belize mini-review below but with the power being off for much of the morning yesterday, I decided to make it a “tech-free” Sunday for the most part (no computer, no phone). It’s always nice to hear the story of how someone has fallen for Ambergris […]

belize yoga

Zen Arcade. Why not take a Yoga vacation in Belize?

Aside from flying the coup on cold weather, for many, a vacation is often taken to recharge their batteries and rejuvenate themselves. After all, who isn’t ready to feel refreshed and inspired? Whether you live here or are visiting, why not take a yoga vacation in Belize at Zen Arcade, the new ‘vacation yoga’ hot […]

belize bars

Things to do in Belize – Friday Night Trivia at Crazy Canucks

There is no shortage of things to do in Belize, and often too they all end up happening at the same time 🙂 Tonight is regular Friday night Think and Drink Trivia held at Crazy Canucks beach bar. Since it is the last Friday of the month, part of the proceeds go to San Pedro […]