This post goes out to all the boat lovers. Cousin Erin is a huge boat fan and when we were on the coconut phone before her arrival she said we can just drop her off at the sand bar to be in heaven. After that conversation it was a brainier what her birthday present/party was […]
“United Against Abuse” A two day workshop organized by Belize Natural Energy Trust, The Word at Work and The Women’s Department to be held at Banana Bank Lodge January 22nd– 23rd, 9am – 4pm. “Violence against women is a global issue that hinders victims from being productive members of society, women have always played a […]
Cousins Erin and Liam arrive today – they should be on the island around pm via Maya Island Air. Liam is little Erin’s best friend and lives within walking distance back in Canada. Luckily it is a nice sunny day – Erin was not to pleased to see me wearing hard and scarf on blog […]
List updated Nov 2023 to reflect changes. Carbunkle Trumpet, a world traveler, popular Blogger and big time foodie, who has also submitted 3rd tacogirl Top Ten listables. If you have read his blog and seen his pictures you already know he is a foodie with saucy edge. His family have been long timers visiting Ambergris […]
Today I went for 3 very different photos. I chose the first one as a nice downtown San Pedro shot for everyone who is coming and because I have been enjoying our lagoon view – daydreaming about being on the water. The second one I picked because I like the size of the truck in […]
I am excited I just got an invitation and it is another first for 2010. I can’t tell you what it is right now but you will know soon enough. Was a busy morning at the taco shack Cindy stopped by to wash her polar fleece for her trip to Arizona and she asked if […]