Yesterday was a big day, Cindy’s mum Cherie arrived from England. We were on standby to pick her up as she has a bad back so she could not make the trip north on the ATV and needed a cart ride. Quite often when flights arrive on time or slightly early at Belize international airport, the person will get bumped on an earlier flight to San Pedro, thankfully that was not the case today and we got the call from Cindy to meet up at Maya Island Air at 1:00pm instead of noon.
Paul and I decided to walk to Pedro’s to pick up the cart and luckily when we got to the next road Anthony stopped to give us a ride, he was also on his way to the airport to pick up Hilly for a football [soccer] lunch at Pedro’s. We got talking along the way and realized he was our secret DJ across the canal, thankfully he plays rock and roll music we like.
We got to Maya airport with minutes to spare for meeting the plane. Cherie came to catch the birth of her grandson, we still do not know what sex the baby is but I am betting on a boy and that he will come very fast. One thing I did not tell you in the simple baby shower post was that around 4am that morning Cindy thought she was going to go into labor and she has been mentally staving it off till her mom arrived.
These could be the last few pictures of a very pregnant Cindy. Her due date is December 24th but now that her mum is here many of us are guessing it could be any time now, especially those that have already done this before.

Baby pics one day soon for all you Cindy fans out there, I am sure most of you are caught up with Tinker pics on fb though.
How about some baby pics please?
They are Charlotte and in fact they just flew to the mainland to have the baby this week and are now back on the island with a healthy baby girl named Tinker.
Just out of curiosity. Is this lady Cindy and partner Andy having and raising baby on Ambergris Caye.?
You will like her mum Carolyn, she is lots of fun and easy to get along with. As for the baby I am sure it will come any time now that Grandma is here.
We are looking forward to meeting Cindy’s mum. And Baby!
I will pass the message along Drew.Super cool you got to meet Carbunkle Trumpet.
Congrats to Cindy and Andy from the Girls from Memphis. Hope she has a healthy and happy baby! On another subject Laurie, I finally got to meet Carbunkle Trumpet at an art festival here in Memphis in November. He mentioned Cindy was expecting but I already knew that from one of your earlier blogs.
So true Michele. I think they are all ready for it.
Yay!! Grandma is here! The baby can come now!!