Heather and I wee chatting on the coconut phone today and she popped me a link to Ole Miss News and said to go check out Kim Shakelford’s new video produced by University of Mississippi’s Division of Outreach. For those of you who do not know who Kim is she is a social worker who has spent a lot of time here in Belize. Kim has done fabulous work counseling kids at Holy Cross School and spearheaded the proper building of a much needed road in San Mateo. I had loaded the video and started watching it when Paul came out of his office for a break. The video stopped him in his tracks, he asked what I was watching and instantly recognized the voice of well know actor Morgan Freeman. Even though we were 99% sure I wrote Kim to fact check and make sure before posting and asked her if there was anything else she wanted everyone to know about the project. Here is what she wrote back: Laurie, it is Morgan! He is from Mississippi. I wrote the script. I guess you could say we have built over 1,000 feet now and 100 students have participated in the service-learning classes and helped on the San Mateo Empowerment Project. We are looking forward to further work! Thanks!! Kim
Please like San Mateo Empowerment Project on facebook. Their page is worth checking out, who ever designed the big timeline picture did a fantastic job. You can also find out more information, see more pictures and make a donation on the San Mateo Empowerment Project website.