As promised on the facebook page, here are the north of Ambergris Caye Sargasso highway pictures. This was one of the craziest stretches of road we were on, the other was the super narrow beach way. We also hit many stinky areas, depending on what state of decay and how much Sargasso was there.
The island has had record highs for Sargasso this year and there is still more floating at sea. I didn’t have to look very hard for it on a recent flight to Belize City. On our North Ambergris Caye drive, I’d say easily 90% of the beach road that we drove on had vast quantities of Sargasso blanketing the shore line.
I know two different people that have been suffering from the effects of Sargasso allergies and more, so it is the hydrogen sulfide causing reactions such as nausea and super itchy eyes, especially the eyelid skin … very much like eczema on the eyelids.

I love the drives up north but unfortunately do not get to take them often as I’d like. There’s such a wide variety of landscapes, it’s very “tropical country road” and the word simple comes to mind. We drove 12 miles north and found a nice clearing to fly my Stealth bomber kite. It was pretty peaceful and quiet up there, although we did see a few people and made friends with a dog. The first cart we saw was 2 girls, and they stopped to chat and asked for ways back to the main road. They opted to keep driving towards Tranquility Bay and then a while later we saw them come back and confirm there was no road exit north of where we were. The second couple lived close by as they went down the ‘private road’ and we figured the friendly dog belonged to them.
Even better than pictures is this way cool video I shot during our drive. It really gives you a good sense of how varied the north Ambergris Caye landscape is once you reach the end of the recently paved road (which comes near the end of the video – on our way back to town).
Morning Gary. Thats a nice spot to live, my friend pet sits there occasionally. Thats very cool about your artwork, I would love to se it one day. I love beachcombing, but do not do it often because there are not as many treasures in town as their are further north or south.
Morning good morning Miss Laurie,
I enjoyed your article on driving up north. The farther you go the more challenging it gets but scenery can be beautiful. I do a lot of beach combing and have walked every part of the water line from the southern tip to Rocky Point. Residents at Barrier Reef is were l live and that is my starting point walking then riding my bike and then as l get farther away start using my cart hopscotching along. The treasures that the ocean delivers l create artwork out of. These are very unique pieces from seeds, broken hand carved paddles to driftwood. Cheers, Gary???