San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Major Breakthrough

Major breakthrough this morning – we think we finally figured out part of the power out issue puzzle. It seems that our power meter and the meter from one of the downstairs apartments are switched so ever since we have been in this apartment we have been getting and paying for the wrong bill. That was ok when things seemed normal and we were paying the usual amount but this morning we tracked the BEL bill since December when new people moved in there and it has increased steadily the past 3 months. Going from 8kWh – 10kWh – 20kWH a day over the past few months. Usage shows at 246 then jumps to 484 then a whopping 627. That also explains why the power guys were telling P and I that the power was on one of the times they shut us down when it clearly wasn’t.

From what I can figure out we were at $105.49 for November/ December 2009 which is normal to a bit under then we jumped to $188.8 for December/January power bill which is slightly higher than usual and finally January/February312.61 which is very high for us – about double. (please note these figures are in bzd)

The first run of rings and earrings from my Belize pictures are on Sofa City Sweethearts website.

This afternoon I got a perfect solution to a question I had been quietly asking – I love it when that happens. I was not planning to work tonight but found myself making good progress and figured I would write a bit for a short break from the repetitive task I am working on. Waiting for a commercial to come on as that’s when I take couch surfing breaks – Paul and Molly are cuddling on the couch watching football.

Walking down the path
What a view

Beach time

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