I am so excited to say that while I was walking home yesterday afternoon, 15 staff from Victoria House, The Phoenix Resort and South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch went for additional training at Victoria House this afternoon. They all got trained in using the Medtronic physio control lifepak defibrillator, Lifepak 500. Bandage International is encouraging all Businesses who join the medical safety program to invest in a defibrillator for their business and have their staff trained how to use it.
How cool is that.
Due to my extreme tech troubles I was trying to catch up on work and ended up calling a cab to get me to Banana Beach, on the way there my cab driver started talking about the big media session going on due to all the Mcaffee mania and all I could do was hope that it did not overtake the one I had planned. Thankfully Manuel Media for Reef tv and San Pedro Sun came and got 2 great interviews with John Grief, Tropic Air and Stacey Chesnick, The Phoenix Resort, they are both big advocates for commercial first aid and ongoing training.
The first day of the Medical Safety Program in San Pedro went went really well. I really liked the way Darryl from Bandage International taught the course. He has a great sense of humor and got a lot of laughs through out the day, especially when the picture of the baby with a Belkin turned up on the screen.
I feel like a whirling dervish this morning between blogging, emails, laptop shopping and thinking about what to pack for Mexico and sorting how how early I need to be ready to leave tomorrow morning.
Heading off to Day 2 of the course to learn about splinting, bandaging and slings.
The picture below shoes Darryl and Winnie giving feedback to half the group doing chest compressions. The other half the group was downstairs in the lounge doing hands on scenarios. Dr Paul would walk a few at a time through what to do while another Daisy was pretending to be in need of assistance for various reasons.