For some reason this year the spirit of Christmas has just not hit me. For the past 8 years (almost) we have lived here I have always enjoyed taking pictures of all the colorful and sometimes tropical decorations as many people and businesses in San Pedro town go all out. This year I have only made one attempt at Christmas pics. Friday night on our way home I tried to get a shot of the wings pickup truck all decorated with lights, a strange tall character, and Micky and Minnie mouse on the back. We both had a good laugh at their live drive by commercial, unfortunately, it all happened so fast and my camera settings were not right so all my pictures came out fuzzy or as crazy light images. Paul said I should post some anyways, so in the spirit of the fun time we shared at that moment, here are a couple of not so great pictures 🙂
Even though I could not capture my own, I knew where to go to find the Holiday Spirit and a good picture to go with this post, all I had to do was Google the 9th Annual Caribbean Christmas Colors Contest hosted by San Pedro Sun.
Every year the San Pedro Sun team drive around the island checking out peoples Christmas creativity and award prizes for the best-decorated homes and businesses. Right away the Dragon and Lighthouse picture below caught my eye. To see more great Christmas pictures you can go to this year’s Winners of the annual Caribbean Christmas Colors Contest post by San Pedro Sun News Paper. It was nice to see/read they managed to keep a great tradition going in spite of the current road conditions in many areas.

I hope you all have a safe happy Holiday and will leave you with a Christmas message from Crime Stoppers.
Dear Friends & Supporters of Crime Stoppers Belize
It has been a challenging year, however, we take this time to reflect on the successes throughout the year.
-Our Public Awareness and education campaign continued with Crime Stoppers Belize presence at health fairs and presentations to schools.
-Children from hotspots in Belize City were hosted at “A Day At The Beach”
-Through a partnership with Community Police and a CARSI grant provided equipment, signs and Neighborhood Watch handbook to many neighborhood watch groups countrywide
-September 2013 – Belize was represented at the Crime Stoppers International Conference held in Barbados
-October 2013 – Crime Stoppers Belize recognizes Media Houses for their support and bestows awards won at the Crime Stoppers International
We have received 16 successful tips in 2013 with 17 persons being arrested and charged with various crimes
Bringing the total since our inception in 2004 to over 100 successful tips with $677,800.00 in goods being recovered.