Please go to reef radio cast your vote for Quicksilver Dianne our favorite Karaoke singer on the right hand side. All you have to do is check beside her name and hit vote. Your vote can help her win a chance to go back and compete in the Karaoke grand finals on September 18th.
Since I posted on the message board last night she has gone from 11% to 56% thanks to all who voted – how cool is that? Voting ends Tuesday.
Hey quicksilver glad to help – everyone loves to hear you sing.
rump shaker I think she will welcome the challenge.
i will gladly vote for dianne but let her know she’s up for the ultimate challenge when i come back in feb!!!!
Hey Tacogirl! The Karaoke contest was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed the night and would love the opportunity to do it again at tthe finals. Thanks for the support and that of your readers. Also thanks to Reef Radio, Jaguars Temple, Raul (Karaoke guy) for my music, and to San Pedro residents for being a great audience!
Cheers, Quicksilver