Belize weather is active again. Today finds me preparing for Tropical Storm Richard.
9:40 am even though I slept in till 8:00am this morning I feel like it is a busy day. My friend Lara came by for an early visit and now we are back to storm preparations. Changing weather in Belize keeps you busy. I am currently filling buckets for flush-able water and making sure everything is charged that can be.
It’s time to get another load of batteries going and fold laundry so we have dry indoor hanging space if we need it – hoping leaks will not be bad.
11:00am; water just went off. I got buckets filled right in the nick of time – yay.
Ok that was strange water was only out for minutes and now it is full force again.
Note to anyone who is waiting on an email from me – please be patient it may be a short while for replies.
11:28pm Paul is putting up boars on our bedroom window and his office window. The only one we are leaving open right now is the patio. Rick from downstairs is going to bring back a machete to chop down the coconuts- the coconut water will be good for us to drink right now because of all the electrolytes.
Ugh I just remembered I should have brought the patio chairs in before it started raining. Oh well.
This just in from Forrest ….
Someone came and saved the jet ski, so well done to whoever got the message through. Cheers, Forrest
P.S. Dennis Wolfe JUST told me that the town ordered suspension of the serving of all liquor until the storm is over. That’s a BUMMER !! Not good for the Usual Suspects, Fido’s, All Cayed Up, Canucks, and many others. “…the day the music died….” “…Singin’ Bye, Bye…” See, I’m going storm goofy already!
2:34pm Having an iced coffee break – I should probably eat something too. Watching Eiden on ch7 and getting They are not forecasting the storm to get stronger at this point.
Watching storm coverage on local TV stations – hurricane Richard is expected Landfall in Belize around 5pm and from what they are showing on TV Belize City looks like it is getting hit harder – saw on wunderground it looks like only one of the 5 tracks showing has it bouncing back up – looking better for us. Water will be out from 5pm – 8am.

We did not see much damage when we were out earlier Laura. 5 days whoo hoo.
Glad to see that Ambergris Caye just had rain. Hope there wasn’t too much damage to the area.
We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend! We have only 5 days to paradise! YAY! The Girls from Memphis will be there SATURDAY!!
We lucked out Trish and did not get much more than wet. Mainland got it more we are still waiting to see pics of what it is like over there.
Thanks Becky.
Hope you are well, we were there for Mathew! Sitting in Laguna Bch, Ca watching your weather. Good Luck,
They still sell alcohol up to 6pm [ I think] in the shops. My hurricane drinks of choice are iced coffee and coconut water.
how ya gonna have a hurricane with no spirits??? how r they gonna enforce this?
ne way, stay safe
We are all getting ready to hunker down Emily. Doing our best to be safe.
Thanks Joey we are all getting prepared to hunker down.
That ominous sky says it all. I’m watching the Weather Channel, and they’re saying Richard could be a Cat. 2 hurricane by the time it hits, and part of the eyewall will go across Belize City. I hope you’ll be safe and sound but am nervous for all in Belize right now.
Be advised, Richard is now a Hurricane, Belize is undera a Hurricane Warning….expected near the coast tonight.