Our neighborhood dogs were too noisy for a Sunday morning, it was not even 7:00am and they are all carrying on like the sky was falling on their heads. At least the rooster got it right today for sunrise, he crows at all random times of the day. I have yet to figure out his rhyme or reason, maybe he just likes to crow like some people I know 🙂
I suggested going for breakfast, the one thing I knew would get tacoboy’s attention and get him out of the house before Sunday afternoon football took over. I gave him 3 choices, Antihitos, Rico’s at Banyan Bay or El Divino at Banana Beach. All within a 10 min walk and had good food at all 3 lately. He picked El Divino which was cool because we ran into Dan and Cath aka Hon. Not seen them in ages, and it was nice to catch up. Even though they are not far when they are on island just on the other side of town at the Oasis, we both agreed it was a good haul on a bike. We laughed at what becomes far when you live in an island. I am also nominating Emily and Barry for a bike fit award as they ride a lot and in all kinds of weather.
When we got to El Divino we barely had to read the menu we both knew it was going to be a steak and eggs day. I opted for an Arnold Palmer and he went with OJ. Our breakfast was good and left is both in a bit of a food coma, we had planned to walk as far as Denny’s Donuts and Truck Stop but made to Xanadu and crossed the road to Super Buy South to get a couple of snacks for later. While browsing I pointed out the small container of pistachios for $17 bzd which made tacoboy say “that’s redonculous”
As we did our walk through, I saw a box Swiss Miss dark hot chocolate mix, it was over 1 year ago that I saw this same one at San Pedro Supermarket and I did not buy it at the time. It was probably a hot day and I was likely not in hot chocolate mode of course the next time I went back it was gone, a common shopping phenomenon here in San Pedro.
This time around I decided I was not going to wait another year and decided to make that our afternoon treat, it was cool enough to enjoy a nice dark hot chocolate when we got home. Hoping Kakaw decides to make their own version if they do not have it already, going to have to pop by their store on front street and see, I heard they are serving some yummy drinks.

Thanks Emily, I could not find the name on Google. They are so strange looking.
By the way, the bird in your photo is a guinea hen! They’re pretty common in North Carolina. My step-mother even used to keep them (for eggs and meat!)
That is a great idea Emily padded bike liner.
Thank you for the nomination Laurie! Our butts have definitely toughened up with the bumpy roads here. But we also have a secret weapon: when we know we need to head south of town we often wear padded bike liner shorts under our regular shorts. They were one of the smarter things we brought down here. A suspension seat post would be worth every penny, though!
Roflmao Hon and I agree on cobble stones, they make a nice ride all too bumpy which is why I am often on foot. Back roads are good to ride on as long as it has not been raining lots. I think Boca has the best roads now for smooth sailing.
Laurie, darling, distance is not my problem at all. It’s the fricken cobblestones and the fact that my husband thinks it’s funny when I have concerns about the state of my delicate buttocks by the time we reach your neighborhood. Once I can convince him to get off his fat wallet and buy me a suspension seat post, I’ll be golden! :~)