It has only been 2 weeks since my husband, myself & our 2 children moved to Ambergris Caye; where it seems everyday is an adventure. Sunday morning was no exception.
A friend of mine had just called to ask if I wanted to go to Caye Caulker for the last day of Lobster Fest on her boat. For some reason I declined and said I would get together with her next time. This is not like me, I am usually very random, spur of the moment, get up and go kind of girl. I do believe that everything happens for a reason; maybe I was meant to stay on the island today!
The morning began with my regular routine. Coffee on the patio of our condo south of town, overlooking the lagoon on the right and the pool out front; beautiful! Palm trees swaying, birds chirping and a nice breeze. So peaceful here, sometimes I have to remind myself that we have moved here; it feels like we are still on vacation.
As I sat there sipping my coffee I noticed a bird staggering out of the bushes to the right of the pool. It’s wing appeared to be damaged and was dragging in the sand. It had trouble walking and clearly could not fly, and was trying to protect itself by hiding by the bush in the shade, close to the entrance of the pool! I had no idea what to do! I remembered reading a post on Tacogirl’s site about the Belize Bird Rescue Organization in Belmopan, but it was Sunday morning in Belize. Would they really be interested in helping this bird and do they have someone in my area that could help?
Whenever I am faced with a crazy situation I need help with, I email Laurie (aka Tacogirl) she’s my go to girl! Maybe that is in part due to the fact I read her blogs religiously for the past 2 years while we were deciding to make the big move, and whenever I would email her I received a prompt response. Rather than calling the local authorities and going through a heap of unnecessary obstacles I knew she would point me in the right direction!
Laurie replied to my email within 10 minutes with all the information I needed to help save the injured bird. I contacted Belize Bird Rescue by phone in Belmopan. Being that it’s a Sunday morning I wasn’t sure if they operated on regular Monday to Friday business hours, or if they would even answer the phone. Shockingly, they answered! They asked me what my location was and needed to see if someone was locally available to pick up the bird and transport it to the mainland. Sure enough, ACES (American Crocodile Education Sanctuary) arrived within 20 minutes and rescued it! The bird will be transported to Belmopan to be assessed and treated. I also received an email from Nikki at Belize Bird Rescue, after ACES had picked up the bird; stating that she would update me once it had arrived on the mainland. What amazing organizations we have in Belize!
This experience not only showed that great organizations like Belize Bird Rescue and ACES care enough that they are readily available 7 days a week, but that great contacts locally, people in our communities who care and great communication can go a long way!
– Angela MacDonald.

What a sweet rescue. Great teamwork!