We all know how easy it can be to get sidetracked in San Pedro. I often refer to it as Sesame Street because you are always guaranteed to run into someone you know and it can often cause delays in getting where you were headed.
Today I did not even have to leave the house to get off track from finishing my Social Media webinar blog post that I started the other day after attending the online conference about Social Marketing in 2012. My sidetracker came all the way from Canada via the coconut phone [msn messenger].
I got with Heather writing an environmental press release about a local resort that has stepped up to help Direct Abundance and Caribbean S.E.A aka Caribbean Student Environmental Alliance in their volunteer work to help San Mateo become a green community.
Writing a press release is a job that neither one of us is particularly fond of, but one we both know is an important skill to have. I took the opportunity in helping Heather do hers to remind myself that this is a good thing to have in my tool box. Thankfully we have Google on our side and tacoboy who has written many and was willing to help us.
Belize rain report by Cowboy Doug coming shortly, I am waiting for him to go check the Grand Caribe rain gauge when he is done his meeting. Current island temperature from San Pedro Weather Live – 84f or 29c. Looks like the cowboy is not on Belize time this morning as his text came quicker than I expected. He said north Ambergris Caye got 1/10th rainfall this morning.

I was just about to hit publish on this post and somehow got sidetracked by emails. Which is not a bad thing as the first one I opened had a Montana Weather report and pictures from one of my readers from Helena MT who is ready for some San Pedro sun. I found that interesting as Cowboy also hails from Montana.
Two feet of snow last night… 9 below this morning… up to 3 above right now.
Gotta love Montana in the winter;)
Looking forward to next month