The San Pedro Belize Red Cross host successful First Aid/CPR training and Blood Drive
We all know event planning can be a total crap shoot in San Pedro and no matter where you live. You just never know what speed bumps will pop up along the way or who will show no matter how much you get the word out and where. I always say the right people show up at the party 🙂
Recently appointed Sue Barkhouse and Joann Reilly as co-leaders of the San Pedro Red Cross Health Committee rolled with the punches as they organized their first events for 2015 and survived baptism by fire haha. Both Sue and Joann did a wonderful job from start to finish. Sue is in charge of our quarterly blood drives and Joann will be handling the First Aid/CPR training program and monthly courses. The San Pedro Red Cross, especially Shirlee and I are very excited to have them volunteering in lead positions – it is a big step forward for our organization.
The San Pedro Branch of the Belize Red Cross (SPBRC) first aid training/CPR was held on January 29th at El Divino Restaurant, Banana Beach Resort. Instructors David Sobers and Tina Gill from the Belize Red Cross trained eleven individuals. The Phoenix Resort, Victoria House Resort, ACES (American Crocodile Education Sanctuary) all sent staff. In addition two San Pedro Red Cross Volunteers and two private citizens were also trained. Every time we do a training, this builds the capacity of our island safer and stronger. In addition to keeping track of which businesses have trained staff, we are also tracking where everyone lives. This way we will know which neighborhoods have a high percentage of Red Cross trained people and which ones have less in the event of an emergency.
The San Pedro Branch would like to thank Banana Beach Resort for the use of their facility and providing a low-cost lunch. Corona del Mar Hotel was also helpful in assisting on trainer accommodations. If you would like to join the SPBRC first aid/CPR program and receive training for yourself or your staff please contact, classes are $50 BZD per person plus lunch.
After first aid it was off to the races again as the first blood drive of the new year took place on Saturday, February 7th, 2015 with many residents turning out to donate blood at Clinica Los Pinos, Manta Ray St. San Pedro. As always, we had a lot of prep work leading up to the event emailing over 200 islanders and local interviews. Lighthouse Radio voice spots mainland press along with promotion on Facebook and Reef TV. Then there was the legwork of securing lunch for Belize Blood Services crew, cookie and fruit donations, as well as putting up posters. Thankfully Ultimate Carts and Caribbean Villas Hotel were both able to help us with golf carts.
By Saturday we were as prepared as we could be. Along with our leader Sue, both adults and youth volunteers (led by Wendy Alter head of youth committee) helped make the day go smoothly. They took their places as greeters at the door, handing out juice and cookies as well as collecting donations on the street. I ended up being designated runner and was using Sue’s cart to shuffle people around town to their stations, capture Ramon’s electronic billboards and I even enjoyed a 5 min airport party. Sue even had me go the extra mile to get a pint, after hearing about my message Grant, a regular donor contacted me on Facebook and asked if he could get a lift from someone if they were passing by his area as last time he donated he was a bit dizzy on his bike. As Red Cross, we definitely did not want that and were willing to go to Boca Del Rio to get him.
The healthy turn out of willing donors from 9:00 am -3:00 pm giving both blood and money kept the clinic and street volunteers busy all day. The SPBRC branch was able to collect 30 pints of blood for the Ambergris Caye Blood Bank Reserve to be held at the Belize Blood Bank, Belize City. That blood is stored in Belize City for Ambergris locals or tourists for use on a planned surgery or medical emergency. The monetary donations given on the street totaling $746.50 will benefit San Pedro Belize Red Cross activities.
Our branch loves working with the Belize Blood Services Group as they are enthusiastic, professional and always make blood drives positive experience for the San Pedro Red Cross. It goes without saying, we are beyond excited to be working on having them come back for World Blood Donor Day, on June 14th.
The SPBRC thanks all donors and every one who donated for making this blood drive so successful. A big shout out goes to Ramon’s Village Resort as 14 of their staff turned out to donate blood. Long-time donor and Ramon’s resort manager Einer Gomez was helpful in motivating his staff to come, printing flyers to personally hand out and getting Red Cross blood drive notice on their electronic billboards by Tropic Air and on the Clock tower in town.
Thanks go to all the local business that support the San Pedro Red Cross and greatly help them in building Ambergris Caye into a strong safe island. Los Pinos Clinic, Tropic Air, Ramon’s Village, Ultimate Carts, Caribbean Villas, Bowen and Bowen, El Fogon, Marks Store, Cost Less Store, Marbucks cookies, Ambergris Today, Lighthouse Christian Radio, Krem and San Pedro Sun.
Keep a look out for the information on the next blood drive coming up in June for World Blood Donor Day and remember: IT’S IN YOU TO GIVE!
If you would like to donate blood at the next drive, become a member or volunteer please contact
Please like us on Facebook: San Pedro Belize Red Cross, to show support and stay informed.