San Pedro Belize beach pictures

School is done YAY

Today was the last day of school. I went up early to meet Cullen for class pictures and Paul came a bit later to help set up for the party. Once we got going the class pictures went pretty smoothly. All the Holy Cross kids love having their pictures taken, it was fun watching them scramble to get a seat. Cullen took one picture sitting nicely and then each class got a fun picture making rabbit ears making some noise and doing what ever they wanted.

After the pictures were done the kids went back to their classrooms and got hot dogs and juice for lunch today. That left Cullen and I to grab a bite and start setting up. A couple was visiting the school and asking how they could get more involved, so after Francis was done showing them around, I took a break and did a tour of San Mateo with them. When I got back the balloons were up and everyone started to turn up for the party, by everyone I mean Paul the Musicians and the film crew.

The kids were excited all day and when Zac started banging his drum making loud tribal noises I could see the kids in the classroom closet to us get even more geared up.

Paul and I had made 75 instruments, drums shakers and bottle cap noise makers. We got them all set up on a table so the kids could choose one. We had a big bowl of candy and each kid got to take some when the came in then Paul directed them over to me to get an musical instrument.

The kids got right into it and it was not long before they started crowding the musicians. They are very tactile and always like to get close up and touch stuff / people (just ask Reaper and the skydivers they had the experience)

After the guys played for a bit we got the kids to do the hoakey pokey then it was time for cake and juice and the party was done.

Big shout out to Cullen, the film crew, Zac, John and the Lyrical King all the teachers, the kids for all the hugs and making a great day.

Denvan with his mom – happy to have his picture taken

Valdamir wearing the shoes Bill and Becky brought for him – he asked for a picture of just him

Here are some of the first year of Holy Cross classes down in History – we will do a school album

Special Ed class picture

The kids got one regular pic and one where they got to do rabbit ears and have fun with it

Lyrical king

Kids were loving the musicians

Big turn out for the party – lunchroom was packed

John and Zac

Paul and I made 75 noise makers for the kids

Future drummers

Doing the hoaky pokey – afterwards everyone had cake and juice

1 thoughts on “School is done YAY

  1. Bill Mc Ghee says:

    Laurie and Paul!
    you both Rock. You bring tears to both Mine and Becky’s eyes.
    The Children are so beautiful. The work you both do with and for them amaze us both. The world , San Pedro, and we both are Blessed by your being in the world. Thank the Lord for sending you two , and thank you for being our friend.

    Love Always
    Bill & Becky

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