People do not always give enough credit to their thoughts, as compared to action, in making things happen. We often forget just how important our thoughts really are and how we need to make sure they are a match to our actions and desires.
I have been playing to some motivational mp3’s lately to help me get on track towards making more great things happen. Knowing that our thoughts originate within our selves and that those same thoughts create what comes next, I figured listening to people who have created some amazing things can only help. Today it was listening to Wayne Dyer talk about spending time in Awe that is pretty easy to do when you live on a tropical island.
I often think about how lucky we are to live here, and I know Paul does too. Living in San Pedro makes me feel rich in so many ways. I am ready to add a few more missing pieces to our puzzle. I know we are here for a reason, and while that was very clear from the start, there are always more surprises and new directions in store for us. I am ready to do some exploring and see where the process leads.
We did not end up living in San Pedro by accident. After one short visit here, we both knew this was the place we needed to be and a lot of thought work and focus went into it. Before coming here I had pictures taken on our one vacation to the island as my computer wallpaper, and I used to carry around a photo album of pictures and a map of San Pedro. I looked at it often, showing people and talking about how we were going to go live on a tropical island. I even poured through magazines and made a cut and paste beach house book of pictures that inspired me.
From when we started talking about it until the time we made it here, it was about 3 years. There came a day when we both said we have to set a date and just do it – no matter what – and so we did. We were not really any more prepared having waited but I know we came at the time we did for a reason. I think maybe we were not meant to arrive so far ahead our friends.
During the time we were waiting to get here it was the excitement, and being able to keep the visual of what we wanted to have happen that helped keep us on track towards moving.
We will have been here two years this January, and now the visual is right in front of us every day. We still have the excitement but to a greater degree. It is time once again to use these tools to take us to the next level. It is very cool to have many of our friends here walking beside us in the process.
On a side note, in addition to our geckos, we now have 2 bugs that have come to visit at the tacoshack. One is a dragonfly, and it has been resting peacefully on the curtain in our front window. The other is smaller, and has brown and cream coloring. I noticed it earlier today high on the wall and used the broom to get it down so I could see if it was something I should be getting rid of. Once I saw it close up I thought there is no reason to squish this bug or try to get it outside. I figured it had gone through enough trauma getting swiped by a broom so I let it crawl back up the wall and it is sitting there a bit higher that is was before. I am guessing it is hoping my broom does not reach that far.
This picture says it all – location 5 min walk from the tacoshack