Been going over lists with Cindy and running around town buying stuff – last minute party preparations. While in town we stopped to pay the hydro bill that is not ours so the people in that apartment do not get cut off. Then we went to the BEL office with a stack of bills in hand to talk to Miss Cindy about how we can fix our hydro meter problem. She was extremely helpful and she made me feeling a resolution was close at hand and that the account that is really ours has much cheaper monthly bills.
Got the wings in the oven and taking a break. Next comes the shishkabobs and smores. I had just started making the smores and wouldn’t you know it the power went out. It was not out long and I managed to get everything done and ready for our fiesta tomorrow.
Lot’s of lightening and loud thunder tonight but we never ended up getting the rain to go along with it. Paul noticed something funny – every time the power goes out at night the fish start splashing and jumping about in the canal.

Thanks Gail we are almost out the door – packing coolers now.
Have a great camping trip. Hope the weather holds out for you.
Look forward to seeing the pictures and reading all about it.