The Phoenix reference of the mystical bird that dies and is reborn throughout time is very fitting in regards to the Palapa Bar, right down to their choice of palm trees growing out of the thatch top of the new building.
phoenix (‘fee niks) noun
1. a fabulous bird that after a life of five or six centuries immolates itself on a pyre and rises from the ashes to begin a new cycle of years: an emblem of reborn idealism or hope.
2. a person or thing that has been restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation.
Overcoming Obstacles
The Palapa Bar and Grill has risen from the ashes a few times over the years. With each renewal and resurrection owners Scott and Jodie Harnish manage to bring it back stronger and better than ever. Hurricane Earl was monumental when their entire building was decimated by the storm.
Life presented Scott and Jodie with extremely challenging circumstances that would have caused many people to give up. When life threw a major curve ball and they longed for the turmoil to be over with, the pair kept going and did not lose hope. They made a strong commitment to each other, their staff and the thousands of people worldwide who love what they have to offer to triumph against all obstacles to reopen.
Scott and Jodie worked very hard to preserve what is the original Palapa. They want to carry on the tradition and ambiance leaving everyone with fun and happy memories. Live, laugh, love and continue to make life long friends along the way and make Isla Bonita a destination for all that come.
With ample open air seating with unobstructed views of the reef and cool breezes for patrons, featuring a completely rebuilt bar, brand new kitchen, and new GIANT Palapa roof, The Palapa Bar and Grill with hand cut timbers is more beautiful than ever before. So many people stepped up to help the dynamic duo through this challenging time and keep them on track for success. Local Belizean contractor Isael Juchim dedicated himself along with his crew and has been on the job sight everyday seven days a week. Scott and Jodie maintained all the staff since the hurricane, preserving local jobs for many families. Staff were given an opportunity by Isael to become tradesman and help in the reconstruction. Marcial Flores stepped up and held the team together of bartenders, cooks, and dish washers in the rebuild process. All employees will continue as invaluable staff.
Lessons Learned
- Trust your support group
- Take good care of yourself
- Reach out for help and pay it forward when you do get it
- Keep perspective and learn what to do better next time
- How to be humble and what true friends mean
- When all is said and done throw the best celebration party…
So…You Are All Invited
Sunday, November 20th marks the day of the huge Palapa Bar grand reopening party. Join Scott, Jodie and their amazing staff for a well deserved cheers to celebrate the return of The Palapa Bar and Grill to Boca Del Rio.
Here are a few pics of Scott and Jodie’s new Palapa Bar and Grill as the finishing touches get completed for the big