Today I crossed a major chore off my list doing the recycling. That meant putting some order to the big box of coffee jars I have been saving and finally getting them out of the house and getting them one step someone who can use them.
A few months back, I was shopping with Dennis at The Greenhouse and I noticed that someone was packaging their product in Nescafe Dolca Jars. Right away I asked the owner Evelia Flores if she could put me in touch with the woman so I could start getting her our jars. I figured may as well try and keep them out of the ground a bit longer. Evelia did not have her number but told me if I brought them to the store, she would help them get to the right place. When Dick and I turned up today was a big box full she was surprised that tacoboy and I drank so much coffee between the two of us and happy that she was able to help my recycling.
For those of you who want more info on The Greenhouse store, it is a great place to shop on middle street. They carry a wide range of local and imported specialty items, fresh herbs, lots of spices, freezer and fridge options. They also offer and a large selection of fruits and vegetables, you are almost always guaranteed to find good lettuce here. Fresh stock arrives weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
As you can see from the pictures below, some people are starting to practice recycling. The Belikin depot will take plastic pop bottles and do a nickle credit on them, I think they take back small water too but do not pay out for those. The Large 5 gallon jugs are worth $25 BZD.

thats my family love you guys 😀
Not surprised silly guy, you always do a good a mumbo jumbo 🙂
^ Actually I I made it up. 🙂
” I recall a communique from the former (PUP) health minister on the subject. It was as I recollect a joint effort by the Ministry of Health and Bowen&Bowen.The paper was entitled “The Recycled Gringo”(Feb13,’07,GOB,Min. Hlth.Dept of Geriatrics,Dr.Fernando Vasquez.)
What it involved Laurie was taking aging gringos ( mostly from Corozal and San Pedro) and converting them into Soylent Green Crackers. Never quite materialized. Interesting idea mind you.
Dr Al, your link no bueno 🙂 – this came up – UBB Message There was a problem looking up this post in our database.
Thanks Emily, glad to have brought back some good memories. I hope recycling keeps growing here.
Apparently ex pats are also recycled….
Loved this post and seeing the photo of Adam and Evelia. We used to shop at Greenhouse at least three times a week, and I miss them! So glad to know that there is more recycling on the island now. We have long recycled so much here in the US that I felt really guilty throwing away so many items down there that I knew could have been recycled elsewhere. We did take back all of our Belikin bottles to the distributors (on bikes!), but that was about it.
It does feel good Grace. Bill and Debra are ok, they moved back to the states and are no longer living in Belize.
Hello, I’ve always enjoyed your blog but haven’t commented before. It always feels good to do our part in recycling, eh?
I was wondering if you know what happened to Bill and Debra of takingbelize. I miss reading their blog. I hope they are okay.