Recently I had 4 of the most expensive Belize cocktails ever, at $157.22 a piece for a grand total of $628.89. I wish I could say I enjoyed them more but it was the solution I needed to get my abdominal CT scan done. Radiologist Julio Diaz was really nice as were all the staff Belize Health Care Partners. I can honestly say I feel pretty good about the medical care I have gotten in Belize to help me get sorted out and back to normal; what ever that is.
Since a few people have been asking about my health, I figured it was time for an update. I am doing much better; about 65% back to normal. Still watching what I eat and starting to fall off the wagon more food wise, because I am rarely experiencing pain. I can tell though if I go too far the wrong way I will regret it, caramelized onions today were a reminder of that.
Tonight I plan on enjoying a more reasonably priced and tastier drink than the one mentioned above – likely vodka & cranberry. Of course I will have to do fries too. Crazy Canucks makes the most delicious home-cut french fries. I started craving them this morning while I was lining up some people to be on my trivia team for the San Pedro Belize Red Cross night. Tacoboy’s favorite basketball team the Toronto Raptors are playing tonight on TV, so he will not be helping get the win.
I will leave you with a few Belize City pictures and a very strange and very funny video, Zen goats sent to me by Moose. Sometimes watching something so off the wall like goats having fun balancing on a flexible steel ribbon puts life in perspective – enjoy.

You missed my previous health related posts a while back Alan, was out of sorts for last 2 months or so. Been doing better now and just trying to recapture feeling 100%. Thanks for your good thoughts.
Thanks Charlotte.
This is just a my previous message…..that CT machine looks like some new fangled toilet witha distant humogeus flushing device that can take even more than a dozen golf balls at a flush………just to get to the correct place of deposit.
Alan S.
Hi Laurie, what’s all this about a health problem? You have taken me completely by surprise. I was unawares that you were in tough shape and am sorry to hear of it. Reading your blogs, did not seem to point to any problems, other than you tear assing all over the island working like crazy!!! Really Girl,,,,,.c’mon,,,,,chill a little. Isn’t that what Isla Bonita is all about? If you wish to reply by e-mail that’s fine, rather than open blog, but give me an update, not a worry. Hope you continue on the up and up, as they say and I will be thinking of you.
Luvsya, Alan S.
Glad to hear you’re on the mend 🙂