Medical Safety growing strong in Belize
The Belize Red Cross is pleased to announce the beginning of the Belize Red Cross Medical Safety website button initiative. We would like to thank Punta Gorda and San Pedro branches for being the first districts in Belize to launch this ongoing effort and Bandage International for coming to Belize to teach the first official Certified First Aid training course in the Red Cross Belize Medical Safety program.
Businesses country-wide are stepping up to make Belize a safer place to visit by sending staff to the upcoming Certified First Aid / CPR Courses being held at the Parish Hall, Punta Gorda on November 12th and 13th and Nov 14th and 15th upstairs at El Divino Restaurant at Banana Beach Resort, San Pedro.
The course will cover many areas of safety including the following topics: Heart attacks, asthma, stroke, diabetes, seizures, allergic reactions, water emergencies and pregnancy. Participants will also be trained in: Bandaging and splinting & new CPR guidelines.
Those who successfully complete the two-day course will be able to recognize and treat the following injuries: Head and Spinal injuries, Chest and Abdominal injuries Extremity injuries and Soft Tissue injuries, Shock and Bleeding, Burns.
Attendance is required for both days in order to receive a one year certification.
Businesses who send staff will receive a dated Red Cross Medical Safety button for their website that will link back to the official Belize Red Cross website page with course details. The Belize Red Cross website will link back to all businesses that have employees with up-to-date Certified First Aid Training. This will be a great resource for both Locals and tourists.
A round of applause for the following Ambergris businesses for sending enough staff members to fill our entire first course before we were ready to officially promote it: Banana Beach, Grand Caribe, Victoria House, Tropic Air, The Phoenix, Exotic Caye, Scotia Bank, Ambergris Today, Ambergris Vacations and American
Crocodile Education Sanctuary, South Ambergris Caye neighborhood watch.
In Punta Gorda, Tropic Air, Reef CI, Coral House Inn, PGTV, Regional and National intervention teams have filled the two day course.
If you would like to find out more on how your business can participate in the early December Belize Red Cross Medical Safety Certified First Aid Training and get a Medical Safety button for your website, please contact the Belize Red Cross branch nearest you or Headquarters at Tel: (501)-227-3319. You can also email Winnie Parchue at or Laurie Norton at
Seats are limited and available on a first come basis and only confirmed once payment is received in advance. The cost of the training is BZ$50.00 per person.
Special thank you to El Divino at Banana Beach for hosting the event and making delicious reasonably priced lunch options for those taking the course.
The Belize Red Cross and Bandage International would also like to thank the following groups for their tremendous support in making this mission a success: Victoria House Resort, Maya Island Air, Boaz Golf Cart Rentals, Ultimate Rentals, all located San Pedro and Coral House Inn, Punta Gorda Roberts Grove Resort, Placencia.