Bandage international takes their role of first aid training very seriously. It is clear they believe in their work, have a passion for what they do and set high quality training standards. They also have a strong understanding of Ambergris Caye and our safety needs. After the two day first aid class, Bandage International announced they are donating a Lifepak 500 Defibrillator to Maya Island Air not only because of their central location but their ongoing transportation support to Bandage International. Maya Air will be joining the first aid program and working with the San Pedro Belize Red Cross to receive ongoing first aid training and defibrillator training.
Torrential rain put the kibosh on us yesterday, we did not want the camera crew taking all their big expensive gear to Maya Air in the rain, plus we were pretty sure the airline had enough on it’s plate with soggy people and minor weather related flight delays. After waiting for the weather to clear and a bit of back and forth we came to the consensus that 9:00am today was a better option.
At 5:00am this morning I was hopeful as the sky grew light, unfortunately that hope got soggy fast. It just started pouring again and I immediately started my prayers to Maya rain God Chac – ‘Please let the sky clear enough for Bandage International and the documentary camera crew at 8:30 am to get their equipment to Maya Air dry.’
Miraculously the sky cleared and we had a good window of time to do the defibrillator donation. Shirlee picked me up, when we got to Maya Air everyone was there and ready to roll. We all agreed on the tarmac was a good spot to make the presentation. In addition to the Bandage International film crew, Monique from San Pedro Sun was there. Ambergris Today was previously booked but Dorian asked me to send him a few pics and he will make sure to help spread the word.
As soon as we were done and everyone that was leaving had boarded the plane, it started pouring rain again. Thankfully it did not last too long so I could get on with my errands in town. I was on a shirt shopping mission for Gwyn in Corozal and I decided a celebration breakfast at Estel’s was in order. I also snapped a few rain related pics along the way so you can see just how much this rainy season has been hitting us. Shirlee and I both agreed this is the most rainfall we remember having had at this time of year, it will be interesting to see the Belize rainfall data for 2013 once we are done with rainy season.