Did you know that Aquafit class is a great, low impact way to tone up, get fit and have fun all at the same time? Aquafit is an easy way to get physically and mentally fit. With regular class, one hour 2 – 3 times a week you will get fast results. You will be pleasantly surprised at what a full body work out you can get from water weights and the laughter in class does wonders for your mind. Water exercise is the perfect way to enjoy social time while you exercise and get toned. You can set your own intensity in class by doing the movements faster or slower and the hour flies by.One of best advantages to working out in water is a wide range of flexibility. The effects of gravity are lessened in water making it easier to move your joints further while building increased long term flexibility. Working out in water makes it much easier to perform a wide range of movements that would be difficult on land. Many of the exercises work more than one muscle at a time and most of the exercises when properly done strengthen your core. It will not be long before you notice things like better posture – balance – flexibility – improved muscle tone. Maureen’s classes provide a mix of cardio – core training – toning and stretching.
Because of the weightless factor, water workouts offer a softer cushion than land exercise. This makes aquafit great for those who find land exercise difficult or painful. The natural buoyancy of salt water at the pool helps reduce body stress, with less strain on your muscles, joints and bones. As a result you will find yourself comfortably toning and strengthening your body with increased balance and less effort.
Another plus to exercising in water is pain relief. We do not always take time to stretch and many of us tend to have specific areas in our bodies where we hold pain. Aquafit is a great low impact way to get that stretching and help relieve the pain while strengthening your weak spots.
Here are a few testimonials from regular aquafit girls and boys, as Maureen affectionately calls us.
Aqua aerobics is the best way to exercise without breaking a sweat. Maureen makes it challenging but great fun to work out – I noticed my clothing is getting looser – It did not take long for me to crave going to class, it’s an easy habit to keep – Has definitely helped my back pain when I stick to it – Gives me energy, detoxifies and de-stresses me – Helps me turn my mind off and relax and has greatly improved my posture and muscle tone.
If you are the kind of person who likes having fun and getting fit, Miss Maureen’s aquafit group would like to invite you all to come join the fitness fun and see for yourselves how healthy a good a water work out makes you feel. Tuesday 10am – 11am Thursday 10am – 11am and Friday 10am – 11am Saturday 10am – 11am For more info call 226-2683
Let’s get fit San Pedro.

We all miss you at class to Monel.
all the baking here in Mexico…I tell ya my body misses Aquafit sooo much
Yo soy muy gordo ahora 😉
but yep you touristy san pedro goers…you MUST take an hour while there and try the class…healthy workout, low impact on the body and the funnest coach (Maureen) in the world.
You will just have to stay longer or we will ask Maureen to do a weekend class one day.
One of these days I’ll be able to take a class! Would help if I were there more than just a weekend! 🙂
Glad you still love it!
We miss you there too Maureen. It was fun going to class together.
I SO miss San Pedro Aquafit!