More to come, it’s one of those all day writing days. Caught a great sunrise this morning while Paul was making our morning coffee, he noticed the clouds looked really cool and said I should go out on the upstairs balcony to watch. The clouds were electric orange as the sun rose through them. The island life is good. To the left is Cindy Stanton listening intently. Just got an email from Nancy about coconuts for New Years: Come one, Come All! Coconuts Bar on New Year’s Eve… Larry is having a party! From 6-8 pm. Louie will be playing Old Rock at 8, and”All Cayed Up” will begin New Years Eve off in style with the blues. Louie will also play during breaks, so there will be music until about 1 am… Invite anyone that might like to join you, we want to have a big new years bash!!!! Happy New Year to you all… see you tonight and in 2009! – Nancy I’m sitting here doing a year in review; deleting away 2008 and reliving memories via emails of excited people coming to visit, sharing pictures, jokes, making donations and planning events. I’ve even sent a few emails back to people as a reminder of how far we’ve come and how good life is. I came across some interesting link to share… Maverick mayor: ‘Eco-architecture not ego-architecture!’ CNN.com and Yum Tacos sent by Jesse, a link to our local green not-for-profit. This website has all kinds of ideas and resources sent in by KC Jayhawk, Blogging to Bigger Job Opportunities – Fox Business sent by Theresa a blogger from Mexico , Recycling in Peru article from Eco Worldly sent by Anthony, As well as some interesting blogs that people have brought to my attention… The Ugly Sweater Party post from the Stuff White People Like blog sent to me by Michele, Cairo to Cape Town sent by tacoboy
Here is a silly holiday joke that Gail sent… Weeweechu It’s a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, “Hey, mamacita, let’s do Weeweechu”. Oh no, not now, let’s look at the moon!” said Rosita. Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Pedro begged. “But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon.” replied Rosita. Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me.” Rosita looked at Pedro and said, “OK, one time, we’ll do Weeweechu.” Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang….. “Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.” Just lost power – looks like I’m being made to take a break.
Of course no sooner did I type that and power came back on. Just have to wait for the internet now. 9:00 am Cindy and Beth stopped by to give me Rick’s Chocolate. Tacoboy hitched a ride to town with them and I passed Rick his 4 bars of chocolate over the fence, and then got back to work. Got a good chunk done and now the internet has gone down again. 1:00 pm I can honestly say that after 6 hours of deleting emails and writing this post, I earned the right to cross Paul’s best of 2008 post idea off the blackboard. I can also say that I’ve surpassed my goal of deleting 5 pages of emails a day and I’m now down to 23 pages and 573 emails, not including folders. I’ve also been able to practice the fine art of recycling and turn my chore work into fun work by blogging about it. 2:48 pm Just started on school blog A Year in Review. Hopefully I can get enough finished and catch a rest before tonight. 3:19 pm Down to 20 pages of emails and school blog mostly done. I should be starting laundry now but I’m calling it quits and going to enjoy some me time.

Gang at BC’s taken by Ed
Happy New year. Will go check yours – I am a bit behind on reading blogs.
Hey there!! Happy New year to you and Paul. I just finished a look back at 2008 entry as well. What a year!