Balance of Nature
The British Dictionary definition of the balance of nature is – the stable state in which natural communities of animals and plants exist, maintained by adaptation, competition, and other interactions between members of the communities and their nonliving environment. It is so important for those of us who have the power to change that balance, be extremely cautious to not cause irreparable damage to our ecosystem, our wildlife, and our environment. Sometimes people tip the balance the wrong way the and others have to step in and speak up for nature and the animal kingdom. This is the case down south at Harvest Caye, a cruise ship port island off the coast of Placencia. They wanted to promote Belize’s wild life through having an education center, unfortunately capturing and caging a rare Scarlet Macaw is not the right way to go about it. Sadly macaw, Big Red, was being assessed to be released from rehab back into the rain forest where he should be – home. Thankfully a group has stepped up to help Big Red and you can too.
Bumper Sticker Campaign
On August 31,2017 a campaign to boycott Norwegian Cruise Lines was launched, and members of the public, especially cruisers, are being offered free bumper stickers to show their support and solidarity with the wildlife of Belize. People who take cruises love to travel and explore the world. Many of Belize’s first-time cruise passengers fall in love with the country and often return for a longer duration. Recent reviews of Norwegian Cruise Lines’ Harvest Caye suggest that cruise passengers aren’t getting the same impression of Belize anymore, which is not a good thing for the passengers or for Belize’s future tourism prospects. Wild birds that require medical care or are rescued from illegal captivity are carefully watched by experts for possible return to the wild. Big Red, one such bird, is a young macaw that was being assessed, with plans in place for his release back into the rain forest which is extremely important because contrary to popular belief, scarlet macaws are rare in Belize. He is currently at Harvest Caye – an island, which is not his natural habitat, and even more disturbing, he is permanently captive in a cage. Even after conservation groups advised Norwegian Cruise Lines how to operate a wildlife education center, Big Red, another scarlet macaw and four toucans (Belize’s national bird) were secretly whisked away and given to Norwegian Cruise Lines to be put on display, all for the viewing pleasure of cruise ship passengers. Belizeans are not permitted to visit them. The country’s wildlife laws are designed to protect wildlife from poaching and exploitation and no official explanation has been given as to how or why this happened or who was responsible for making it happen. A coalition of conservationists and activists have banded together to launch the Boycott NCL Campaign. It’s easy to participate in, it’s fun and it’s for an excellent cause. All you need to do is send your address to and you will receive a free BoycottNCL bumper sticker in the mail. In return, you’re asked to email back a photo of your vehicle sporting the BoycottNCL bumper sticker so that it can be sent to NCL and featured on the Save the Wildlife on NCL’s Harvest Caye Facebook page. NCL must be told that what they are doing is NOT acceptable! If you cruise, don’t lose. Boycott NCL