I am playing around with the Digg option on my blog. It is on the right side of page and down a bit.
I got am email about Digging from someone who wrote to share blog stats and tips with me after seeing a few of my posts in Google forum. Mitch said it is good to Digg certain articles and that gets them out there more. I thought since most people could likely use a virtual vacation why not give it a try.
I am relatively low tech and I do not know much about Digging and did not want to ask Paul what the heck it was all about I decided just to play around with it myself. As you can see by the 2 posts below I quickly learned if you digg with blog option, they show up again on your blog as a new mini post. Next time I will try it just as a regular digg and see what happens, I think that might be the way to go.
We went to Tai Chi today and were a few minutes late. There were 7 of us in total and it was a really great class. Zac was calling us his senior students today and we all had a laugh at that one, but we did manage to get to single whip on our own while he was showing the newer students the first moves. The we decided to join them and start at the beginning again.
It looks like you’re submitting your blog (as a whole) to Digg’s blog listing section. I’d recommend adding the ability to post individual postings to Digg as well, though I’m not sure how well your posts line up with the typical digg line of thought.
Great Blog!