Not much was going on around town yesterday afternoon or so I thought. While sitting at Estel’s with Steven, Anthony, Amy and Rick, we heard the long slow sound sound of sirens and knew that a parade was coming. The guy at the next table overheard us talking and said it was the Veterans Day Parade, I excused myself to go take a look and found out that it was something else.
As I walked around the corner I saw hoards of San Pedro High School kids parading by, they had just won a big Volleyball tournament and had good reason to celebrate. Fortunately they finished their parade right before it started raining again and had enough time to get somewhere dry. Our meeting group on the other hand was not as lucky we were all in process of leaving and everyone got wet.

My something new was I ordered a roast beef sandwich instead of my regular ham and got the suggestion from the Baker to try their multi-grain bun instead of brown bread. My sandwich made me very happy, tasted delicious and I did not have to cook. With all the rain I have not made it to drop off my empty containers to our chef, thankfully Cindy and Andy were going to trivia tonight at Coco Loco’s and offered to drop them at Claire’s for us.

Caye Coffee a favorite to both locals and tourists for years so many will be pleased to see the building got fresh coat of paint and a nice new logo. Still waiting for the fresh roasting coffee smell in the air 🙂

It’s coming up to that time of year again and I just received a public service announcement from the Public Service Announcement from SPHLBPC better know as the San Pedro Holiday Lighted Boat Parade Committee. Every Year Rebecca Arceo, Amanda Syme, Coqui Alamilla and Jan Brown all work very hard to keep this tradition going and put on a wonderful event. Please help spread the word to people with boats and spectators, this is one event we need to make sure stays on the calendar.
The San Pedro Holiday Lighted Boat Parade will be held on Saturday December 7th this year. This traditional event heralds the holiday season and leads us into the holiday spirit with a fun event filled with twinkling lights, children’s laughter, Christmas carols and a spectacular night time boat parade spanning from Wayo’s beach bar to the north and the Caribbean Villas to the south – with amazing viewing spots everywhere in between.
This year promises to be as well attended and enjoyable as each preceding year has been. We look forward to many regulars participating and invite new entrants to join the fun.
There are prizes in a number of categories for decorated boats including most original and most religious and the Mayor’s choice with the coveted trophy cup.
The block party in Central Park will feature our favorite charity fundraising booths as well booths with local artists, and food booths proffering seasonal food and drinks from renowned local restaurants. Booth rental applications will be available starting on November 18th at the San Pedro Business Association office.
This year all schools are again invited to participate in the Christmas carol recitals, and a prize shall be awarded for the best school choir. Please submit an application along with the 2 songs the school will be performing to the committee.
DJ Habo shall be our master of ceremonies and will keep the crowd in the holiday spirit while we listen to carols, watch the boat parade go by and of course enjoying the Central Park Block party prize giving ceremony after the parade.
The SPBA San Pedro Holiday Lighted Boat parade committee invites all businesses and individuals in the community to consider donating to the event or offering sponsorship to ensure that this event is successful and that the tradition may live on. And of course all boat owners and organizations are welcome to enter a boat in the parade and competition. Please contact the SPBA for more details on how you can be a part of this wonderful event.
If you would like to submit an idea for this year’s commemorative t-shirt please email us before November 20th or drop it off at the SPBA office on front street.
We look forward to seeing everyone enjoying this holiday event and more details shall be published over the upcoming weeks.
Signed: San Pedro Holiday Lighted Boat Parade Committee, Rebecca Arceo, Amanda Syme, Coqui Alamilla and Jan Brown
TEL: SPBA office: 226-2799, Cel: 624-3204 or email <>