There are many different bugs of Belize. Over the course of my time here, I have enjoyed snapping many a bug picture as you will see below. So many interesting shapes and varieties turn up in the most random places.
Sucker Bug
Aside from the creepy crawlers, sometimes bugs are going around are the microscopic “people hurting” kind. A few folks on Ambergris Caye have recently or are currently experiencing what I have dubbed the “sucker bug”.
I got sucker punched by it recently, went to bed feeling fine and woke up anything but. Imagine the movies; an alien starts changing form and moving around inside. That is how I have felt the past few days – rather unpleasant.
So far even those with a strong constitution have been taking time to move past it. I am on day 6. I did consult a nurse and she said right now nothing to worry about, but if it gets worse instead of slowly better, get checked out.
I can tell I am on the mend as I did not miss my last 2 workouts but I have been trying to rest as much as possible. So grateful that other people were willing to take the lead on the boat parade this year and came up with a fabulous plan.
taco Humor
Leaving you with some silly laughter courtesy of Jokes4us and a humorous read by meandering fool.
A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a grasshopper sitting next to him. “Are you a grasshopper?” asked the man, surprised. “Yes.” “What are you doing at the movies?” The grasshopper replied, “Well, I liked the book.”
Click through and read a funny crawly bug story – I can hear them crawling on the floor at night.