Laundry for rent Since my first visit to San Pedro, I have been mesmerized by the beautiful colors and movement of the laundry decorating every street corner. My collection of photographs kept building and building, and finally I was able to narrow them down to a 25 page book. “Hanging Out In San Pedro” is […]
On the Blog Fiesta invite post someone left a comment and tagged me to write 25 random things about myself, so here it goes… 41 years old Tested for high cholesterol twice Weight 121 lbs. – last weighted today Love dark chocolate Never had a drivers license Going fishing with Capt Jeff today – pics to […]
Last night’s full moon party at Catamaran was put on hold due to the weather. Paul and Zac decided they would still drum and spin fire, so a bunch of us went down to the beach to enjoy the show. It was pretty cool to watch Zac doing his first session with fire. Paul had […]
This picture is a good reflection of my mood today – dreamy, random and light. I was practically out the door this morning. iPod and shoes were on when it started raining. I quickly decided I didn’t want to get wet before class, so I water-proofed everything I took with me. But since I was […]
Erin and Jo left today. Unfortunately they didn’t get to enjoy Savor San Pedro – but we sure did. After seeing them off we went home to get the decorations for the Pirates Pizza booth. Even though not everything made it on time I still managed to work our magic and win best decorated booth. […]
I’m in a full out list mania right now; I have been since yesterday, actually. I’m going through all the Mexico bloggers and compiling a second round of invitations to Blog Fiesta. If anyone would like to post the information on their blog please feel free. Erin, Jo and Bronze were all laughing so hard […]