I don’t always catch Facebook invitations in time for an event, but it just so happened I was on the infamous social media site and saw that long time visitor and Texas music artist Kelly McGuire along with his friends Mark Mulligan and Sunny Jim White were doing an impromptu free concert at Palapa Bar and Grill. I sent it to my friend/editor Shirlee who was all in for live music especially since she wasn’t here the last couple of times Kelly was on the island – temporary hiatus from living in Belize.
The Facebook post said, “check out some great live music with a beautiful view and cool breeze!” For the most part that quote was bang on except for the part about the rain which started coming down fast and furious as soon as we arrived on the beach (and of course due to high crowd volume we had to park quite a way down the from the pier). Needless to say, we got soaked and I got temporarily cold, but soon after we got into the bar, the rain stopped so the staff promptly opened up the wind barriers blinds. That allowed for the breeze to come through and quickly dry us off.
The concert ended up being delayed by a bit more than an hour (hazards of carrying sound equipment on a golf cart) but it gave us a chance to have a bite to eat and socialize a bit. I chatted with my friend Charlie who I have not seen in ages and Shirlee got to say “hi” to old friends she hadn’t yet run into since her return.
Because it wasn’t just Kelly performing, they didn’t do his original songs, but entertained with Jimmy Buffet tunes and other “island songs”. The best part is we saw a great (and very packed) show and were heading home before 6:00 pm. Love Island Life for that reason, always lots of daytime socializing so you can be home at a reasonable hour.