Hi, tacogirl
I don’t know if you watch this down there, but BEST SHOW EVER! This is awesome. Tracey
There be spoilers ahead…
On last Sunday night’s episode of AMC’s Breaking Bad, Saul and Walter White had an amazing little interchange about sending someone to Belize.
Of course, they weren’t really talking about a relaxing getaway spent exploring sandy beaches, scuba diving, caving, and all of the other activities offered by the Central American nation. “Sending to Belize” was Breaking Bad’s version of “sleeping with the fishes.” Yeah, they were talking about murder.
But that didn’t stop the Belize Tourism Board from jumping on the opportunity to capitalize on the reference. In fact, they launched a campaign to send the cast of Breaking Bad on an all-inclusive trip.
“Many of us are big fans of the show and can’t wait to see what happens over the last six episodes. While we hope that some of our favorite characters don’t get ‘sent on a trip to Belize’ in the show, we do hope you will take us up on the following offer – we’d like to send all of you on an ACTUAL trip to our country after the season is over,’ it reads.
They also tweeted at some of the Breaking Bad cast.
Tracey Giertz
Trademark/Pro bono Administrator
Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione | UseBrinks.com
Here’s the actual invitation the Belize Tourism Board sent to the Breaking Bad gang via NY Times: