Back in Canada I used to be a sale shopper. Sometimes I would to to the drugstore and stock up on things like tooth paste or razors that were a good deal and one of our roommates Jerry and I used to decide which grocery store we wanted to go for a group shop at based on the sale flyers that came in the weekend paper. Yesterday when I was buying some Arm & Hammer extra whitening toothpaste [$5bzd] at Save On I realized how that was one thing that had changed in my life since moving to Ambergris Caye. When I see a Belize Sale more often than not and depending on what the item is my first thought is that it is about to expire. Though I will say we have scored things like box milk on sale that were well within the date range.
Here is a recent total for the Easter treats we bought at Island Supermarket. Even though we do not usually shop there – we chose to go because they have a bigger treat selection than many places. Most places here include the tax within the price – I thought it had to be that way but I could be wrong. Anyone have an answer for that?
Snickers Dark Bar $2.27 – Reeses’s Peanut Butter cups 6 pack $5.40 – Lays Salt and Vinegar chips $8.14
Independence cigarettes $5.45 – Subtotal $21.26 – 12.5% tax – Total $23.92 bzd
We just got our new water bill – was $103.98 bzd. We are feeling the extra 12% increase – anyone else?.
Last night I cooked chicken for dinner with cornbread parmesan coating. As it was cooking I realized quickly that I should have googled first and worked out to add breadcrumbs in with the cornmeal and parmesan to give it that nice golden crispy coating. It tasted ok in the end but just reaffirmed to me that I was passed over for the cooking gene – my mom and brother both have it. My dad and I got the eating gene instead.
Monel popped me on the coconut phone today asking if we were getting the same crazy rain they were in Playa Del Carmen. I told him that we were not although my mood suited a rainy day and I would not have minded if it was. Instead we were faced with power outs. It went off 1am last night not sure for how long then we had a few mini outs today.
Been watching Shark Tank on Cast TV and packing for our upcoming camping trip – got a good selection of games ready to go and charging batteries for water proof camera.

Thanks for the comparison prices Harold.
the chocolate bars are average ,chips are high (1.99 on sale to 3.50) but smokes 10.00 $- 14.00 per 25 pack ,and don’t think about beer that can be 15$ -22 $for a 12 pack. this is Canadian $ after all. your water is up there but not bad ,about 15 $ more than me .
Do not forget to cut that in half for usd pricing Carrie. No idea what large bag of chips cost now days in states or Canada.
Holy Crap! Why are chips so expensive?
A foot of snow wow I can see how you are ready to be here now Harold. Pricing in bzd.
i don’t know about the tax but is that us$ or bze $ . can’t wait to be there it dumped a foot and some snow last night but it’s not cold . hhc