If you live in Belize and use a digicell sim card for your phone stop at the local BTL office with your passport and phone to register your number for free [used to be $10 bzd]. You will be glad you did, I sure was Sunday night after my phone went missing.
This way if your phone gets lost like mine did last night [or stolen] you can easily call BTL customer service right away and they will make sure your credit does not get gone. The cost to get your same number on a new Belize sim card is $22 bzd – very reasonable.
I called customer service on the holiday Monday and got a very pleasant woman who checked my number and told me all my credit was still available, including my text bundle. She put a stop on the number in case whoever found my phone was feeling chatty, still a possibility that it is at the bottom of a big mud puddle too.
In order to have mobile cellular service in Belize, an unlocked GSM or Global System Mobile Communication 1900 MHz cellular phone is required.
A reminder for those who have fancy internet phones tacogirl blog is mobile so you can keep up on the go. A bit of wishful thinking – maybe my phone went into a black hole so I can get an upgrade, going on the internet with my old phone reminded me if dial up, not so much cause it was slow to connect but doing anything was so labor intensive.

I keep thinking that is the one it could be at the bottom of Al, hope someone found it in the sand though.
I bet it fell in that whale shark puddle, so forget it:)