The Belize Red Cross is helping the Belize business community lead the way when it comes to medical safety and dealing with potential medical emergencies in their communities. Monday Nov 12, 2012 launched the ongoing Belize Red Cross Medical Safety program in Punta Gorda followed by a second course in San Pedro 2 days later. Bandage international in partnership with the Belize Red Cross, worked hard at training 57 staff from local businesses in Belize this week.
Between the two districts, the following businesses are now part of the Belize Red Cross Medical Safety program and have now have commercial first aid trained staff: Tropic Air, The Phoenix, Victoria House, Banana Beach, Exotic Caye, Scotia Bank, Ambergris Today, American Crocodile Education Sanctuary, South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood watch, BRC National Intervention team, BRC Regional Intervention Team, Reef CI, Coral House Inn, Blue Reef Adventures, Southern Eco Adventure Dive And Fishing Tours.
In a commitment to make their businesses a safer place, they sent a wide range of staff to get certified first aid training including: pilots, ramp guy, front desk , tour coordinator , security, maintenance, housekeeping, dining room, bar, kitchen, branch messenger, property manager, wildlife biologist, reporters, emergency responders, MD, director, dive master.
After the San Pedro course, 15 staff from Victoria House, The Phoenix Resort and South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch went for additional training at Victoria House this afternoon. They all got trained in using the Medtronic physio control lifepak defibrillator, Lifepak 500. Bandage International is encouraging all Businesses who join the medical safety program to invest in a defibrillator for their business and have their staff trained how to use it.
These businesses will soon be receiving a dated Belize Red Cross website button indicating they have certified staff onsite.
Staff who attended the two day course received high quality first aid training and medical safety including the following topics: Heart attacks, asthma, stroke, diabetes, seizures, allergic reactions, water emergencies and pregnancy.
They were trained in: Bandaging and splinting & new CPR guidelines and also learned how to recognize and treat the following injuries: Head and Spinal injuries, Chest and Abdominal injuries Extremity injuries and Soft Tissue injuries, Shock and Bleeding, Burns.
Thanks to all business for joining the Belize Red Cross Medical Safety Program and stepping up to make the country of Belize a safe place.
A special thanks goes to is in order to Bandage International for their continuous partnership with the Belize Red Cross, Mrs. Winnie Parchue, National First Aid Instructor of the BRC, to the Management of El Divino Restaurant and to all businesses and individuals who attended the call for a safer Belize.
Bandage international would like to thank the following businesses that helped make their trip to Belize possible: Coral House Inn Punta Gorda Roberts Grove Resort, Placencia, El Divino Restaurant, Victoria House Resort, Maya Island Air, Boaz Golf Cart Rentals, Ultimate Rentals, all located in San Pedro.
This course is not limited to businesses any individual who wants to help Make Belize safe can get certified in any district of Belize. We will be running ongoing courses and can get one started by group request.
Find out how you or your business can participate in the Belize Red Cross Medical Safety program and get a dated Red Cross Medical Safety button for your website. Please contact the Belize Red Cross branch nearest you or Headquarters at Tel: (501)-227-3319. You can also email Winnie Parchue at or Laurie Norton at
I had lots of great pics to add but they are all back in San Pedro on Cindy’s Laptop top and I am now in Mexico using tacoboy’s machine. I can’t wait till I recover after my tech crash, this is getting old fast bouncing between Cindy and Paul’s laptops and making me feel like a homeless person 🙁

Grill master Sir Andrew Smiling is doing BBQ on Saturday November 17th 2012 starting at 11:00am at Banana Beach Resort. Tonight is also the soft opening of the new sports bar lounge at El Divino. The opening will start at 6:00pm with a happy hour from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. 2 for 1 on Local Rum Drink and Beers.