I know am not the only one who feels like they are going through a Battle Royal inside themselves right now. For me it’s another round of trying to find some sort of balance and curb my overactive junkfoodie ways 🙂 I have been working hard to keep the extra few pounds which was my junk food bonus, tone up and loose my Buddha belly by Sunday’s Lobstermainia 2013 pool party. Now that is a tall order.
For fun I looked up the meaning of Battle Royal and a few of them caught my eye:
Merriam Webster b : a violent struggle
Thesaurus.com Definition: fierce fight
Synonyms: intense battle
It was not long before my mind wandered I got thinking about a Royal with Cheese from Melt at Exotic Caye Resort and why it can be so hard finding balance when it comes to food and health.
Here is a good health related article on Expatify.com about pharmacies and prescriptions for expats in different parts of the world. I found it very interesting and directly applicable to living in Belize. I know many people here who use a pharmacist as a primary medical councilor. And while they do regulate some drugs and sometimes require a perscription, it is not always enforced.
Now for the best part Friday’s fun.
Morning fun – I am working on moving the taco cam to it’s final home, just waiting to hear what time I need to meet my ride and crossing my fingers everything goes smoothly.
Afternoon Fun – Hopefully a celebration drink if the cam gets working again in it’s new location. I will keep you posted on that.
Evening Fun – A big boxing match at the high school auditorium. Roberto and Karen always do a great job putting boxing together always great people watching events. I know it will be fin because yesterday tacoboy was expecting 6 Mexican Boxers to check in at Pedro’s Hotel and 18 showed up. Now that is a make it work moment San Pedro Style 🙂
I can’t wait to see the new sunrise view on taco cam, here is a stunning sun picture submitted by JP Holman.

Thanks for catching that Dr. Al.
Don’t know for sure but I think by persecution you mean prescription. It is a fact that u can get most anything without a persecution (lol),down there in lotus land but that is not always so good.Unless of course u have been naughty which occurs often enough. :). I mean easy access to Rocephin IM is advantageous after a night of immorality. Just sayin’