I fondly remember trips to my cousin’s cottage as a kid and later as a young adult, when we got to go without our parents. Hanging out for an afternoon at the cottage on the lake was always relaxing and fun.
As I sat on the Truck Stop dock this past Sunday, staring at the water that same wonderful cottage feeling washed over me. I felt a million miles away from everything except my present company and the plate of the pig roast in front of me.
It had all started because my friend Jack FB messaged me early that day asking if I was up for pig roast. Of course, I was and mentioned I was going to bring one of my blog readers along. She had just hit town and had asked if she could take me to lunch or dinner.
We made plans to meet Jane at the Palapa Bar and Grill to do a pop in for one time expat Linda Carter’s (aka Wonder Woman) surprise party. We hung out a short bit and got to introduce Jane to a bunch of our friends. Thankfully when we were ready to go, local expats, Mickey and Ed offered us a ride and went above and beyond their destination to drop us off at ours.
We oinked out, listened to some great live music and settled in for hours of great conversation by the water.
On the walk home, our new friend Jane got to see just how “Sesame Street” the island really is and experience first hand why something like a simple trip to the store could take you 3 hours, depending on who you ran into that day. We stopped and chatted with many people along the way and of course, Jack made friends with a gorgeous and very smart Dobie as you will see in the pictures below.
By the time we made it back to town, it was dark and we were soon ready to part ways.
I figured since Jack had to come to get his bike Jane may as well take a minute to come to check out my apartment – I have always enjoyed seeing where locals live when I’m traveling.
Jack dashed off as he was heading to the Paradise Theater to catch the 9:00 pm showing of Star Wars. After showing Jane around, I walked her back to Middle street so she could get a cab back to Victoria House. I stopped for $1 tostadas on the way home. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Thanks Barbi, much appreciated.
I’m trying to get more people interested in your blog Laurie ,a few more of my friends have signed up! Best regards Barbi Miller. Hamilton ,Ontario.