For a small Island, I would say Ambergris Caye has a high population of smart people. There are many groups of smart people that meet up weekly with the shared interest of claiming bragging rights and a decent cash prize 🙂 Three times a week they have the opportunity to test their skills with the trivia hosts quizzing local and tourist teams with random interesting questions about the world we live in. Test your knowledge weekly against fellow trivia buffs at the following local Bars:
- Coco Loco’s Tuesday night trivia: The only trivia game north of the bridge. Start time is 7:00 PM, there is $5 small buy in, and teams can be up to 4 people. Owner Sue walks around to each table and asks teams 18 – 20 questions, and at the end it is winner takes all.
- Pedro’s Pizza Thursday night trivia: Start time 7:30 PM, 5 people to a team with a $5 buy in. This one is done in rounds, and Cindy will call out 5 rounds of 10 questions each with a short break in between each round, and a bonus round at the end.
- Crazy Canucks Friday night trivia: Start time 7:00 PM, but it is wise to get there early to get a good spot, as “think and drink” is a popular night and usually packed. 4 people to a team with a $5 buy in. The last Friday of every month part of the proceeds go to San Pedro Red Cross. Owner Rob does 3 rounds and a bonus speed round at the end. The winning team of each round gets a free shot. If there is a tie, the tiebreaker is usually a beer chug. This of course, helps keep the game at a level playing field.
A sampling of questions from each bar:
Coco Loco’s:
- What is the inflammation of the lining surrounding the lungs called?
- What is Spiderman’s alter ego?
- What do you call a group of porcupines?
- What do you call a small woodwind instrument?
Pedro’s Pizza:
- Is a Zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes?
- What is the color(s) of Portugual’s flag?
- Name the six characters in the television show “Friends.”
- Where did they just find the largest ever dinosaur bone?
Crazy Canucks Bonus Rounds:
- Name as many vegetables as you can in 2 minutes.
- Name as many towns and cities in Belize as you can in 2 minutes.
- Name as many Hockey Hall of Fame players as you can in 2 minutes.
- Name as many flavors of ice cream as you can in 2 minutes.
All bars have food options and even if you are not a total smartypants, they make trivia a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. Come on out and meet some new people and have a great time. I might see you on Tuesday at Coco Loco’s, and I will see you tonight at Canucks. Unfortunately I did not make trivia last night at Pedro’s. Some pictures and questions courtesy of Sue Blair, Lois King, Andrew Milner, Shirlee Arnould and tacoboy.

Coco Locos answers:
- Pleurisy is the inflammation of the lining surrounding the lungs.
- A group of porcupines is called a prickle.
- Spiderman’s alter ego is Peter Benjamin Parker.
- A small woodwind instrument is called a Piccolo.

Pedro’s Pizza answers:
- Zebra’s are black with white stripes.
- Portugual’s flag is Red and Green.
- The six characters in Friends are Ross, Chandler, Joey, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe.
- The largest ever dinosaur bone was found in Argentina.

If you got 20 or more in the bonus rounds you could have helped your team take the lead and claim the prize. Usually the pot gets as high as $200 or more, and last time The San Pedro Red Cross was given $210 between our share and generous donations from the winning team and a few other people. Thanks to everyone for all your support.
I will leave you with a short video of the between rounds tie breakers at Think and Drink.