Many people know little about Belize, let alone know where it is. I wrote this page to try and answer most of your questions on this interesting and widely varied country. Belize is located south of Mexico, north, and east of Guatemala, on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. It is only a 2-hour flight from Houston or Miami, making it a convenient vacation destination. It is one of the smallest countries in the world, being only 8,867 square miles or 174 miles long by 68 miles wide. For comparison, it is approximately the same size as New Hampshire or Wales if you’re from the U.K. Though small in size, it is large with adventure. There are only about 370,000 people living in Belize. The country is made up of dense tropical jungles, mountains, ancient ruins from lost civilizations, some of the best scuba diving in the world, the second longest reef on Earth as well as hundreds of tropical Caribbean islands to explore. English is widely spoken, especially in places where tourists go. The Belizean Dollar has been pegged to the US Dollar at 2 to 1 since 1973. This means if a coke costs $2 BZD it is $ 1USD or just cut the price in half. Also, the US Dollar is accepted just about everywhere. The average temperature year-round is 85° F (29’° C) and the humidity is usually around 85%. Upon arrival, everyone is given a 30 day Visa passport stamp, which is renewable for another 30 days for $50 BZD for the first 6 months and then it becomes $100 BZD. See my page on living in Belize, for more immigration-related information.