As soon as I set out for my first errand run to town yesterday morning and saw the guys unloading a boat full thatch for Ramon’s Village, I decided that was a good topic to blog for today. One of my regular readers Jeanette is planning a trip back in December and had recently asked me how their progress was doing. I filled her in but decided this was a good idea to catch her up visually on the progress they are making.

In addition to Ramon’s I decided to snap a few more pics along the way of businesses that are preparing for high season. Banana Beach was getting a fresh coat of paint just in time for our 2 day intensive first aid training course 🙂 Antijitos San Telmo is getting a nice new look and there is a so work being done beside Super Buy South, I am not sure what the building will be used for when it is finished.

The sun was not at a good angle when I drove past Ramon’s the first time so I deleted most of my pictures and knew I could catch better lighting on my second pass. I had a 12:00pm fishing meeting with Rudy and Steven at Blue Water Grill. This is where my Blat comes in. I was really hoping to get an Ahi Poke Tuna Salad but our waitress said that the chefs are different at night and the daytime ones cannot prepare raw fish. I decided on a Blat – bacon lettuce tuna and avocado with pasta salad on the side. Our meeting went well and I am learning so much about, boats, fishing and related conservation practices, both Rudy and Steven are very knowledgeable in this area. Now if I could only get out on the water and fish more 🙂

Back to the original focus of this post. Ramon’s Village team is working very hard to have the resort be ready for their Beauty From Ashes Celebration in 45 days. I have no doubt they will be able to finish the job and it is amazing how fast they are at resorting Ramon’s Village to it’s former glory.

Steven waiving good bye. Does this mean he is relinquishing his right to bid farewell? Are you saying that he is waiving his right to wave while on the waves? Please clarify. Ty.
Pedro telling a tall tale? Say it isn’t so!
I would have said he is pulling everyone’s leg on that one but it may be part true John. I just heard they will not be having a bar there – that is still officially unconfirmed though. As to a Religious Retreat I have not heard anything about that and could see that part of the story being a tall tale attached to the no bar part.
Hi Laurie,
We own a condo at the Cloisters and come to Ambergris about 3 times a year. My question is this; I just read Pedros blog and he says that Ramons will open in 45 days as a religious retreat with no alcohol being served on the premisies. Have you heard this?