As always there was no shortage of Halloween parties on Ambergris Caye – so many I lost count. I was prepared with a few costumes and a partner in crime to do 3 of the 4 parties with. Although we knew loads of people at all of them, it was not always easy to recognize the person under the costume.
Wayo’s Haunted House
First in line was Wayo’s Beach Bar’s annual haunted house which is always a big hit with the kids. My partner in crime took the night off so I found a great plus 3 option – Sandie, Emily, and Madison. They picked me up in Sandie’s very fitting purple and black cart and off we went through the streets of San Pedro waving my big Jolly Roger pirate flag.
Though I have been to the party before, this was the first time I went through the haunted house. Worth the $5 admission for a good cause. It was way bigger inside than it appeared with scares around every corner, including a chainsaw massacre and an evil baby.
The top 2 great pics from Karen Brodie Photography and the last one I threw in cause DIY robots are cool 🙂

Crazy Canucks Trivia Night
Next came San Pedro Red Cross trivia night. Most people do not dress up for Halloween trivia night but I never pass up the opportunity. Little did I know my costume would end up being our team name the “Bondage Ballerinas”. My friends Jack and Kendall were my usual Halloween trivia crew, and this year Joanne who was on vacation at Chez Caribe joined us. The 3 rounds of Halloween questions were pretty hard but we held our own. Jack as always was our ringer, and we even thought we had a chance with the bonus round. Mission – spell as many words as you can in 2 minutes that have two O’s in them. We got about 31 but sadly that was not enough to take the win.
The smartypants of the night were team “It’s Only Cannibalism If You Swallow”. They cleaned up on the bonus round big time and won $115. I won no matter what as it was my charity we were playing for and San Pedro Belize Red Cross took home $120 🙂

Holiday Hotel
This party is always the and this year was no exception.
It all started with a pre-party rest time – always a must when you know you will be out well past the witching hour. So is a good meal; which was dinner at Hungry Grouper and my favorite meal of coconut crusted pork chops. Chef Argyle did not even have to ask what I wanted. After dinner, a dash back home for a quick change into my costume, then we headed to the Phoenix for another quick costume change and a few minutes of seeing my friend Denise getting airbrushed by Jack into a super cool road warrior. Next it was off to the pre-party at Sandbar where all the “cereal” killers were meeting to get their group costumes rounded up.
By the time we got to the Holiday Hotel around 9:30 it had already felt like a full night but my second wind came fast as soon as we hit the party. The street was packed with people watching the red carpet entries and soon the party was full of amazingly creative costumes. For a small island, we take Halloween very seriously.
Of course, it was Star Wars that stole the show. As soon as the theme song started playing a few of us made a dash towards the dance floor to watch the grand entry – super cool.
The Stormtroopers immediately stormed the dance floor as you will see in the following video.
After that bit of excitement, it was back to the sidebar area as that was the coolest place in the hothouse. It was also the funniest as a group of our friends had decided to rent room 12 for the party and so many of us ended up hanging out on their porch dancing, socializing and laughing over hardwood floors (inside joke) and countless other unmentionable things.
Here are some pics from the night. If you are a Halloween fan be sure and put this party on your to-do list for next year. Many people plan their Belize vacations around it to attend – it is that good. My road warrior friend Denise and another female part-time islander planned their trips partly around attending the event. It was her first time and she rated the party easily as good if not better than New Orleans at Halloween. That is a huge compliment; we all know how well they can party there.

Island pet owners have been enjoying dolling up their pets for years and the pets for the most part do not seem to mind. I know my favorite Sausage dog Johnson loves his extensive costume wardrobe well beyond Halloween. Sadly we did not get to see him dressed up as we left to go find a friend at Lola’s for football. Thanks to Facebook and photo and permission to share, here is his very funny costume. No surprise he won a “silly” award.

My Fun Halloween Costumes
Over the course of time I have had some great Halloween minded friends to help out in the costume department. I have always done the same for others and made many a donation to someone else’s “tickle trunk.” If you have to look that up, opt for the wiki version over the urban dictionary 😉
My Pirate wench was a great gift a few years back from my friend Mary in South Carolina along with some crazy black flared leg sleeveless spandex jumpsuits with red sequins. She knows the state of costume shopping in San Pedro is limited and costly compared to get great Goodwill finds. Thankfully Denise and Kendall were willing mules this year as my two main costumes were online shopping.

Funny how tonight is actually Halloween and this is the one night I was not really planning to dress up. Maybe I will wear my Frankenstein mask to trivia night at Sandbar.