Slightly cloudy all around

I am pretty sure not the only one who is feeling slightly cloudy after the June birthdays party at Caribbean Villas Hotel and Pedro’s party the night before.

Yesterday I  shook it off  with by doing laundry, hula hooping and a long float in the pool. Today I ended up with the house to myself for bit, I  opted to fall back into a nice clean bed and watch minute to win it on tv. It suited my mood perfectly and pretty soon I was almost too laid back to get up and go but the thought of Charles barbecue made me get motivated enough to get ready for a trip to town.

After Paul was done visiting Cindy and doing San Pedro Sailing Club errands, he came and got me then we went and met Cindy and Tinker and convoyed to Estel’s for breakfast.  We got there at the perfect time, after the big morning rush but not to late that all the barbecue was gone. It was carnivore day at our table Paul did a steak sandwich, Cindy had ribs and I went for a thick cut pork chop with fresh cut fries and potato salad – YUM.

As we were finishing lunch Tinker set the tone by falling asleep in her chair. We all agreed after a meal like that it was time for some serious Sunday afternoon napping 🙂

caribbean villas hotel
June Birthdays party at Caribbean Villas
pedros hotel
Pedro’s Cake
belize baby
Tinker on her play mat
san pedro restaurants
Barbecue pork chops by Charles at Estel’s Dine by the Sea
san pedro belize blog
Tinker in her chair

I did not want to carry a camera the past few days so all pics were taken with my LG Thrive phone camera.

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