San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Whirling dervish

Buzzing around the house like a whirling dervish trying to get as much done as I could before Paul gets back from his meeting in town.

Tag team he was finished quickly and now I can hear whirling above my head – we are finishing clearing out our bedroom.

Just sat down for 5 min to finish the last of my shrimp chow mein and could have almost ate the styro container as well. Break time is over I better get back upstairs and help – I feel glued to my chair lol. Can’t wait to make the bed later and fall in it.

The whirling has slowed down considerably. Got out last load over and about to get ready to go to Robbie’s birthday party at Roadkill. Luckily Cindy and John Henry are living upstairs as we still have not managed to get our water turned on yet   – 2 visits to the water company. Fingers crossed we get it tomorrow.

Took us 10 loads by golf cart and 1 truck for bed and a table – thanks Tim and Tina for sending Heraldo over with truck.

downtown san pedro

4 thoughts on “Whirling dervish

  1. Amy says:

    moving can be a whole new adventure in life… sounds, new views(love yours by the way) and new neighbors. Enjoy it!

  2. Amy says:

    I have a new appreciation for moving with an actual moving van or truck….you two are “super movers” doing it all with golf carts…..heres to the bed being made and falling into it when you are finished.

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