Please note both rentals below are currently occupied. Please email me at tacogirlbelize[at] with details on your apartment or housing needs. If you are looking for short term then please visit my contact page page and email me about options. It is not always easy to find long-term rentals on Ambergris Caye. Often my readers are either looking or daydreaming and want to know what is available at what kind of pricing. There are a couple of long-term apartment options that I was asked to feature by a friend. The first one is close to Downtown San Pedro and the second one is South on Fire Coral St. in San Pablo Subdivision.
Close to Town
Fully furnished, large kitchen & living space. 1 block from the Medical School, a 10 min walk to town.
- 2 bedroom
- 1 bathroom
- washer and dryer
- Cable TV & wifi.
- Usable outside space
- Tenant pays monthly electric (BEL) and water (BWS)
Price $1,100 USD Call 622-5666

San Pablo Area Apartment
I just got word this water view apartment got rented right as this post was about to go live but got permission to put it up so the island dreamers can get an idea of what is out there for the price. This is an apartment sits above the storage units on the canal and offers some good features.
- Plenty of parking
- Access by road or boat
- 1-2 bedroom potential
- Open floor plan
- A/C
- 2 Bathrooms
- Mostly furnished
- Full-size Washer/dryer
- Walk-in closet
- Large fridge
- Cook-top stove
- Dishwasher
- Great 2nd story breeze with sunset views over the water
- Very Secure
To find out more about their long term rentals please call 622-5666

Afternoon John, just email me through my contact page and I can help you in finding a place that meets your budget and needs.
Looking for a house rental near a good swim beach: 3 or 4 bedrooms.
Hi Larry I will help you in looking, watch for an email.
Hi Taco Girl,
Am planning on moving there is summer and would love any assistance you could give me in helping find a place to rent until I can buy something. I have a small dog (corgi) and finding it difficult to accommodate him. I am looking at staying under $1000 dollars a month (not including utilities). Need good wifi for work. Look forward to any help you can give me.
Hey TacoGirl. You seem to be living your Best Life! Kudos. I’m a former special education high school teacher and adjunct physics professor. I’m looking for a long term beach rental so I can windsurf and kayak to my hearts content. The top of my US rental budget is $2200. If you have any properties please email me at: Thanks in advance:)
I sent you an email to get details on what you are looking for specifically Charlie.
Hello tacogirl, my name is Charlie and I am interested in moving from the united states to belize. Can you assist me on this move? I have an E-mail and a phone number if you want me to share it. Thank you
Are you talking Belize Dollars or USD Kenneth?
Looking for a permanent rental on Ambergris Caye, need furnished and @1300 and less.
Thanks for sharing the additional information with us, belize real estate